types of acne including pimple black head

types of acne including pimple black head

pimple turns out there are many types. There are 15 types of pimple, according to the website www.webmd.com health. Each one has a character and how to handle it.

1. pimple Vulgaris

pimple name is the medical name for common pimple. Characteristic is the presence of pimples with black heads or white heads poking at the skin surface. Most widely spread on the face, chest and bunggung. This type of pimple is not dangerous, but if it helps stop excessive amount to a dermatologist.

2. Blackheads

Blackheads are fine hair clumping together oil and dead skin. Blackheads can develop into mounds of white-headed and red-headed. Ingredients that lead to blackheads called comedogenic.

3. Black heads

Black spots or black heads Komeda is a collection that is open at the skin surface. They contain excess oil and dead skin cells. Not the dirt that makes blackheads become black. But the reaction of oil with the air turned black.

4. White head

Pimple with a white head is blackheads that stays close to the skin perukaan. White head occurs when oil and skin cells block the hair follicle out of the skin.

5. Papule

Papule is a collection of already irritated blackheads. He formed a small mound of red or pink on the skin surface. This type of pimple sensitive when touched. Scrape or scratch can exacerbate irritation and potentially cause injury. Papule that too much can indicate pimple with medium or severe levels

6. Pustules

Another type of pimple pustules is already irritated. They like white heads but circled in red ring around the mound. Small pus filled bumps are usually white or yellow. Prying pustules can make black spots.

7 Nodules

Nodules are pimple irritations that are large and feels hard to the touch. They thrive on the surface of the skin and sometimes painful. Nodules dermatologist should be addressed.

8. Cyst

Kerawat cyst is large, pus-filled and looks ready to erupt. Such as nodules, cysts can be painful and should be treated to a dermatologist. People who suffer from nodules and cysts usually have pimples in large quantities.

9. pimple Medium

pimple skin categorized as medium if you have 20 heads and black heads and white less than 15 inflamed pimple.

10. Moderate pimple

If you have 20 to 100 more white heads and black heads, as well as 15 to 50 inflamed pimple, then you get kind of moderate pimple. If you are undergoing treatment, the condition usually worsens before your skin improves.

11. Acute nodulocystic pimple

This category of people with pimple usually have between types of inflammatory pimple nodules and cysts. pimple will turn red to purple black. This type of pimple usually leaves a wound. In certain cases, the doctor may inject corticosteroids directly to the pimple nodules and cysts to shrink the size and reduce painful irritation

12. pimple Conglobata

pimple is one of the acute form of inflamed pimple. The shape of the irritation of pimple nodules are connected beneath the skin. pimple can reach the neck, chest, and arms. Usually leave scars. Types of pimple types are more numerous in pre and usually triggered by a steroid hormone or testosterone.

13. pimple Mechanics

Mechanical pimple is caused by heat, friction and pressure on the skin and. Usually leave a mark like spokes, baseball helmets or protective head. This type of pimple like many athletes suffered. Mechanical pimple prevention can by using materials that absorb perspiration under exercise equipment or a shower as soon as possible after the move.

14. Topical therapy

Topical therapy is an pimple treatment that is applied directly to the skin as gels and creams. This type of treatment is suitable for medium pimple. Material contained in this type of therapy is benzoyl, peroxide, resornicol, salicylic acid, or sulfur.

15. Systemic Therapy

Systemic therapy is treatment of pimple by mouth. Antibiotics such as tetracycline, minocycline and doxycycline or erythromycin may be able to handle these types of moderate pimple and reduce inflammation.

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