black pimple

Not wanting to face so "festive" due to inflamed acne here and there? Know that there are things that we unknowingly can cause acne. Not just because I was lazy to wash the face, but the things below can cause acne to accessory on your skin.


Note the times of arrival and departure of the acne. If he comes pretty regularly, which is about the times ahead of your menstrual cycle, meaning it is caused by your menstrual cycle.


 If you often feel stressed, harbored anger, and it is not related to your menstrual cycle schedule, then maybe this is the problem of stress. In fact, in times of stress, our bodies produce more androgens that trigger acne.


 Know that the phone saves a lot of bacteria, and when your phone while you are on the phone a long time to heat up, it will open up your pores, that's when bacteria find their way into your cheek. Plus, the irritation caused by phone radiation alone is enough to disturb the balance of your skin. In addition to phones, other items that are often attached to the face can also cause acne, such as foam helmet attached to the side of the face, for example.

Facial moisturizing cream

 Facial moisturizing cream that is not right with your skin type can lead to clogged pores which lead to facial acne. Make sure you choose the right type of moisturizer to your skin type.


 Sunlight on the skin can cause the skin to thicken. Because the skin thickens, it will close the pores, and can lead to pimples appear.

High pigmented cosmetics

Try changing your type of decorative cosmetics made of minerals. Remember, that the higher the concentration of pigments in cosmetics, the higher the probability to cover facial pores. If the pores closed / narrowed, will increase the risk of skin acne.


 Hair also can be the cause of acne. Particularly dirty hair that often on my face. Because of this, some doctors even recommend that women skin that has a tendency to bind her hair pimply face while sleeping. You never know the true condition of your hair. Because if you do not wash it at night, all day dirt will stick to the hair and can be attached to the face. In addition, no clean conditioner after shampooing also can clog the pores of the skin if the hair was wiping her face.

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