Treating Acne In Face

Treating Acne In Face

Acne is a problem which is faced by women and has always been a troubling problem because it can interfere with the appearance. Acne usually occurs on the face, neck, buttocks even too. Own acne caused by hormonal factors, diet, infections, genetic, and poor sanitation. Acne itself can appear not only in the face as are most people. This skin irritation can chop up the body. Even compared to acne on the face, of body acne tends to be more "stubborn". That is more difficult to be removed and also deeper. Treat acne on the face dqapat done in advance to prevent the cause of acne that does not arise.

Massage or facial sorting it feels comfortable, but if too kerasa pressure can disrupt dilapisan woven collagen fibers in the skin (dermis). Acne blackheads will easily slip out while face massage, especially if ordering accompanied by fine details (scrubbing).

Acne flare-massage should not or massaged because it can cause the infection to be more extensive. Fingers salon staff will already be contaminated by the acne bacteria. Evaporation on pimples good skin hydration dull and dry, but hot air vapor will aggravate the red inflamed pimples. Acne comedo will also be made to simplify the process of software production. Acne conlobata increases red inflamed after diuapi with hot steam. Therefore, it is forbidden to diuapi inflamed acne.

Treat acne with lemon diwajah can also be done. Among the many benefits of lime is treat acne. How to make the lime juice for treating pimples on the face are:

    First clean the face with clean water
    Take lime juice, sides, then apply on the face. Do not rub, just Apply. Leave it for a few seconds.
    Once the juice dries, rinse your face with warm water and cold water rinse repeat degan lalau dry. If routinely perform this treatment 2 times a week, also cleanse your face 2 times a day, the face will be spared from acne.

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