popping a pimple

Myth: Fatty foods to be one of the causes of pimple

Fact: One. Chocolate, nuts, chips, milk and other fatty food often pointed at as one of the causes of pimple. Some dermatologists refute the issue. They say, to date there is no scientific evidence and authentic about fatty foods and the appearance of pimple.

Myth: face makeup causes pimples

Fact: True. But there are many cosmetic effect is indeed clog pores and eventually trigger the appearance of pimple. But not all such cosmetics. To avoid pimple due to cosmetics, you certainly should try to find what works best for your skin type and ensure that cosmetics are safe when used.

Myth: High dosisi pimple cure pimple effectively removed the

Fact: One. pimple cures have been made according to the rules dosage. Adding a dose without consultation to physicians will thus exacerbating the condition of your skin. If this is your pimple condition after being treated not visit the repair or even worse, you should seek help doctors to address the problem.

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