How to Use Propolis for Treating and Curing Acne

How to Use Propolis for Treating and Curing Acne:

If your weight is between 40 - 50kg, the first drink propolis from 5 drops (each added 10kg to the rounding up, the dose may be increased by 1 drop again, say 55kg weight means it took 6 drops) were mixed with a quarter glass of warm water (even better if mixed with honey) and stir until evenly (avoid using a metal spoon) and drink 3 times a day, and the next day 1 drop gradually increased up to 7 drops (if you weigh 55kg means up to 8 drops) and drink as much as 3 to 4 times a day. It aims to issue a toxin (poison / substances that are not useful) from your body or commonly referred to as detoxification.
This detoxification process will usually take place after 3 to 5 days regular use of propolis in a row and will last for a few days in the future depending on the condition of each - each person (usually the person who often wore heavy make-up will take a more detoxification old).
After a few days you through the process of detoxification, then usually your acne will be more coming out (not all people have exactly the same reaction). In order to accelerate and facilitate the detoxification process, it is recommended that once you drink water as much / often as possible until your urine becomes clear, especially after every 1-2 hours you drink propolis and also after each time you have a chance. If the toxins in your body can be smoothly out through urine or sweat, then the detoxification process will not be too cause your acne to grow more and more. Many people underestimate the problem of drinking water is that pimples are popping up was very slow to be dry so they assume that it only makes acne propolis is becoming increasingly worse. Drinking water is not only good for healing acne, but also for the overall health of our bodies and there are no side effects if you drink excess water :)
After the detoxification process is complete, which is characterized by the increasing number of pimples had dried on its own compared to the acne that appears, then you apply to your acne propolis by first diluted by mixing 1 drop of propolis with half a tablespoon of water (avoid using a metal spoon) , it is intended to save the use of propolis. (Still encouraged to keep drinking propolis for 3 days or more in the future with a fixed dose or can be reduced to 3 x 5 drops if you have good drying acne)
You can replace ordinary water is used to dilute the honey or propolis had water (gel) of meat leaf aloe vera plant as a face mask with a rate of 1 to 2 drops of propolis mixed with half to one teaspoon of honey or water (gel / slime) aloe vera appropriate much needs your acne. (NB: not everyone fits with aloe vera)
Oleskanlah propolis at night before bed and leave it until the morning, usually your acne will dry up in the next day. Before you apply propolis, wipe your face with warm water so that pores - pore of your face become more open so that propolis can work with the maximum.
Propolis will not react to healthy skin, but would respond to such acne skin feels a bit hot / slightly painful for some people, this is normal because it is a process of cleansing / detoxification spending on your acne and propolis itself is also very safe to use because is purely derived from natural (bee saliva)
For the needs of this acne cure, usually on the average - average at least need at least 2 bottles of propolis 6ml for those of you who do not have any problem / other diseases. Usually: 1 bottle first needed to start the process of detoxification and 1 second bottle to complete the detoxification process that dries the acne itself from within (for recovery). The severity of acne and your overall body condition also affect how quickly the healing process of your acne with propolis, propolis because it not only works for your acne, but also works the entire body system, so if you have any problem / other diseases it will participate cleaned too so you need a relatively longer time and the number of bottles of propolis that much more to solve your acne problem with these other issues simultaneously, propolis will react differently to the body according to the problems that exist in our bodies is , so that propolis can also be used as a means to treat and detect diseases / problems in our bodies earlier, please read the details on the menu: The Benefits of Propolis And Reaction
To maximize absorption by the body propolis, propolis drink it on an empty stomach / before eating. Avoid sleeping too late at night so that your body can beristrahat sufficient to facilitate the circulation of your blood so it will help speed up the healing process of acne and to maintain your overall health.
NB: Not all people will have the same reaction when treating acne with propolis due to the condition of each - each person is different. Here is one example of a witness who has used propolis by mouth and after detoxification is completed then just smeared propolis diluted ordinary way:

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