enlarged pimplethere are four stages

enlarged pimplethere are four stages

Skincare pimpleWays
Zai's Beauty Formula
pimple(acne) there are 4 stages namely: -
Phase 1 In the face skin look more 'white head' (smooth spots arise and
pistil colorless) and 'blackhead' (spots arise smooth and pistillate
black). There is no pimpleor pimplethere is little our other features.
Phase 2 There are many 'white head' rather than 'blackhead'. There are already signs
`white head 'into a fine red pimples but still not berpunat.
Phase 3 There are many 'white head' and also 'blackhead'. Red pimples
the more and bigger. Already there are berpunat white and filled with pus.
Inflammation of the facial skin look.
Stage 4 The entire skin of the face is covered with pimples big red. More of the
pus and also there is a perforated grate. This situation is said to cystic acne
(cystic acne).
Causes of Acne
1) The hormone imbalance of estrogen and androgen.
2) elakkan Beauty Products beauty products that contains: -
Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, Cocoa Butter `', Bijan Oil, Oil
Olive Oil and Vitamin E.
3) Washer foaming face wash contains chemical ingredients such as Sodium Lauryl `
Sulfate ', `Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate' and` Disodium Lauryl sulfosuccinate '. ingredients
This material causes inflammation of the skin and adding more acne.
4) Memicit pimplecauses pus widespread and occur more acne.
5) Mewapkan face (face steaming) Promote the breeding of germs
causing pimpleand skin raising burrows.

In Zai's Beauty Formula, the way pimpletreatment depends on the stage and type of
kerosakan on facial skin. Each type of pimplestages have special care for
get the best impression.

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