treatment for acne

Acne or acne medicine is a skin condition caused by an abnormal disruption of the oil glands (sebaceous glands) is excessive. Spending excessive oil glands or sebaceous glands will cause a blockage in the channels in the hair follicles and skin pores. Acne often will cause the skin to swell and become reddish. Inflammation of the skin caused by excessive spending by the oil glands of the skin or clogging sebum glands and then forming comedones (whiteheads) and seborhoea.Kalau blockage caused by the oil glands of the skin is getting bigger it will openly comedones (blackheads) and this easy dijankiti bakteria.Daerah is prone to acne on the face, chest, back and upper body lengan.Munculnya acne often occurs during puberty between the ages of 14-19 years are caused by hormonal changes in adolescents. Acne since early detection is very difficult because before puberty children will experience flaking skin three weeks. Meanwhile, as a teenager, skin peeling four weeks.


The true cause why a person has acne and others do not have a whole remains unknown. Some of the factors that cause acne are:

    * Stress
    * Descendants of parents

Activities hormon.Salah an important factor that causes acne is the increased production of the hormone testosterone, which is owned by a body of men and women. Testosterone contained in the body of men and women trigger acne by stimulating the oil glands (sebaceous glands) to produce skin oil (sebum) in excess.
    * Hyperactive oil glands
    * Bacteria in the pores of the skin
    * Skin irritation or because the scratching

    * Anabolic steroids
Birth control pills / birth control pills, but many women experience acne during reduction pills

Being in an environment with high levels of chlorine, particularly chlorinated dioxins, which cause serious acne called chloracne


Topical DRUGS

1. Benzoyl peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is an effective antimicrobial for the kind of mild to moderate acne. Given a day 1-2 times a topical (external use only).
2. Azelaic acid
as antimicrobials for acne vulgaris.
3. Clindamycin
Clindamycin in the form of liquid, gel, cream or oral effective for acne with inflammation. Having an effective antibacterial effects against Propionibacterium acnes bacteria, so according to the indication for the treatment of acne.
4. Tretinoin
vitamin A acid tretinoin is used for the treatment of acne with closed or open comedones. But patients need to be careful because the cause redness and peeling of the skin at the beginning of therapy. Available in the form of topical or oral.
5. Salicylic Acid, Resorcinol and Sulfur.
Salicylic acid, resorcinol and sulfur are having keratolytic and antiseptic power. The combination of these three highly synergistic drugs for the treatment of acne.

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