Myths about pimple and its prevention

Myths about pimple and its prevention

Maybe we still remember the first adolescence when pimple begins to appear on the face, people say it's part of puberty. But now when age was in her twenties, pimple is still showing. If only one or two, maybe we are still quiet, but if pimple appears continuous, large and accompanied by pain and itching, not just energy but also drained of confidence can be lost.

Hopefully the following explanation may help you better understand pimple and how to prevent it.

Causes of pimple

pimple can occur due to the natural oils produced skin to close pores. The oil called sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. Sebum is actually needed by the skin to maintain moisture and elasticity. Sebaceous glands are usually found in the skin layers of the face, neck and chest; areas that are often covered with pimple.

The problem with pimples appear on the skin when bacteria trapped in pockets of oil and continue to accumulate. Excessive sebum production also trigger pimple. Overactive sebaceous glands that produce oil usually occurs at puberty, but could also be due to hormonal changes.

The myth
Greasy foods, chocolate and sugary foods cause pimple.

is not because the food but the production of excessive oil in the skin.

The myth
Oily hair causes pimple

If hair covers parts of the face and block the discharge of oil in the skin could be so.

The myth
Wash your face as often as possible can reduce pimple

Correct: the natural oils on the face would disappear, the consequences will be more active in producing skin oil as a substitute for the lost oil.

The myth
Squeeze pimples make pimples disappear fast

it acts only cause infection, making the healing process so long and left a black stain.

The myth
Menyababkan wear moisturizer pimple worse

if you use cleaning products and skin care creams that are hard, then use a good moisturizer for dry skin cope, otherwise the skin will produce oil that is not necessary.

The myth
Decreased sexual activity causes pimple?

The truth: pimple has nothing to do with sexual activity.

The myth
Then, how to treat pimple?

To fix this, use a product to remove sebum. Most either are products that contain benzoyl peroxide, as it can reduce infections in the skin, but it can remove layers of dead skin that clogs pores.

There are also products that contain antibiotics to ward off infection. Products containing vitamin A can be used but contain side effects.

If the outside of the product is not effective, the drugs could be considered drunk. pimple medications containing antibiotics can be used up to six months. These drugs will work against the bacteria in the skin and reduce the production of sebum. Consult your dermatologist.

Women can choose to use the contraceptive pill to control the production of testosterone. Not all women fit this pill and can result in more pimple appears, for the therapy of these pills must be under the supervision of a doctor.

pimple scars

The beauty of technology today has created many products to prevent dark spots caused by pimple, stay tailored to skin type. If you've already decorated facial pimple scars, visit a dermatologist to perform therapy.

Tips for healthy skin

- Wash your face twice a day. Dermatologists recommend a gentle soap and contains no perfume. Do not wash your face too often, more often then the skin will be more active in producing oil.

- Try to use products that contain benzoyl peroxide

- To prevent skin is too dry, use a moisturizer that does not contain perfume.

- Drink enough water to keep the skin moist

- Consumption of fruits and vegetables, because they contain anti-oxidants are good for the skin.

- Avoid cosmetic products that cause skin oily and fried foods, because it can make the skin more oily

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