Acne and pimples are not only local events

Acne and pimples are not only local events

As a young man from acne and pimples to suffer, not only affects the subjective feeling of life. It also reduces objectively important opportunities that can be vital for life: The opportunities in mate choice, those in work and working life, the other prospects for durable health, and life expectancy in years.

Who else where and struggling with acne and pimples on the face and there even with evil boils, knows the usual explanations of what is causing so ugly unwanted phenomena, and as it comes to the associated inflammation: For increased occurrence during the puberty hormones are made ​​responsible for the resulting inflammation and certain bacteria.

That leaves crucial questions unanswered: Why do some more, some less suffer? But most of all: Why are enjoying other a very pure and healthy skin, although they eg by live just puberty and are also already come with safety with these bacteria in contact?
The usual cause explanation is unsatisfactory
The usual, unsatisfactory consideration of acne sees only local operations: The blockage of skin pores, as a result of the accumulation of sebum, which provides the breeding ground of bacteria, resulting in inflammation and suppuration. Accordingly, the recommended measures and applicable means limited to cleaning and keeping open the skin pores, which take place every day. This means, however, only symptomatic treatment, not a cure for disposition (propensity, susceptibility) for acne and pimples. Once the affected subside with daily applications of old unwanted condition occurs again.

As a young person, you might think: More science has just not been able to find; perhaps it is also genetically determined; I must resign myself; why it only got me and others do not ...

Let me give here an important for your health and life advice, based on my decades of experience with health, diseases and their sometimes very strange backgrounds (see Fig. Brief Curriculum Vitae and detailed Curriculum Vitae with developments, scientific work, published books and other publications):

If a problem as insoluble, means a disease as incurable and only symptomatic, are offered continuously to repetitive actions, you wonder yet again: "CUI BONO?" - "Who is it good that it does not change, but everything stays as it is?"
"CUI BONO?" Who is it good if it remains as it is?
It can deny, for example, hardly that with the cleaning essences, creams and soaps for daily treatment of acne substantial sales are made, both by the manufacturers in question as the relevant trade. How large (and therefore the associated economic interests), you can evaluate yourself. Look at how many of the teenagers suffer from acne in your environment. Determine, using a population statistics (total number of young people in the country), suffering as many as in the whole country in mind. Determine how much an individual spends on these funds in the month. Multiply this monthly revenue with the estimated total number of people suffering from acne youth of the country. Now you know how big is the economic interest that in acne everything remains as it is.

Would get around among teenagers who suffer from acne, how to get through simple and natural measures the annoying blemish go, a beautiful, fresh skin and otherwise gets better health - all the lucrative acne revenues would fall away. Acne is only one example. The same is true for many other diseases, ailments and conditions.

Relevant lobbies (= stakeholders = pressure groups), whose economic interests are linked with diseases, sometimes go interests alliances, eg between groups of perpetrators and beneficiaries of certain diseases, for example vote on what information to enter the public domain and which are not (as justification: "... is thus not taken into unrest in the population"). How subtle the interconnections and influences are even on the legislation, please refer to the (brilliantly written) essay by Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. phil. Erich Fechner "Economic interests and the right of free speech for the common good (especially in matters of Public Health) - A legal-sociological consideration at the same time also on the influence of economic interests on scientific opinion".

Lobbies also not shy away from measures "targeted disinformation" back to protect their interests against truths, which could reduce their sales, their power and influence. So be on your guard, and use your common sense and your logic skills whenever you come across relevant news and articles.

Did you know for example, that are anti-acne preparations with the active ingredient isotretinoin suspected of causing depression and even suicide? Read the article 'side effect suicide' in!

If you are wondering why the described here interrelationships are explained only by so few doctors, go to "Medicus, quo vadis? Doctor, where are you going?" and "illness civic duty? Since save yourself if you can!".

Do you want to protect your family and your friends from having to suffer just to welcome and revenue-generating members of that disease to be target groups or to stay? Then you should go on this internet site on Surf Tour. Provides a good overview of contents and the introduction of "Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets". Did you know for example that the main risk factor of civilization, high blood pressure, which is responsible on cardiovascular disease for each second death, can be cured by simple measures in a few weeks without pills?

So much only as a sketch covert activities behind the scenes of the "Health Theatre" and possibilities of self-protection of people affected. Back to main topic: acne and pimples - healing from within.


Pimples on the face

Pimples on the face

Pimples on the face - What helps ? Here you will learn what causes favoring the pimples on the face , what to do and which home remedies can help .

Pimples can occur only when the skin pores become clogged for any reason and then plugging these bacteria can penetrate through the skin. The bacteria that are injected into the skin , call their metabolites produced by a skin irritation which leads to redness of the skin, a skin inflammation. This arises from inflammation of pimples . Is the ignition advanced, pus forms .

The pus is a liquid composed of proteins and dead cells. Is more and more pus formed , the pressure on the inflamed skin and pimples point reinforced bursts . From the popped pimple pus to drain. He takes the dead tissue with and the healing can begin. The emergence of the pickle by bacteria and skin inflammation is always the same. The reason why the pore clogging , but may be different.
Pimples on the face
Read also afterwards : Expressing pimples on the face - Yes or No?
Pimples on the face - causes?

That the sebum of the skin is disrupted, may have different reasons . The most common cause is hormonal changes . Because sex hormones are responsible not only for the sexual maturity , but also regulate the oil production of the skin, hormonal changes as fall a cause of pimples on the face often with puberty together . Also the menopause may be responsible for pimples on the face , and taking medications and hormone preparations also .

Sometimes, however, also leads an unhealthy lifestyle to an increased production of sebum of the skin , which eventually ends up with pimples on the face. They include unhealthy diet , lack of fluid intake, exaggerated alcohol consumption, too much smoking and drug use. Poor hygiene can also clog the pores and stress also leads to a poor complexion. Pimples caused by shaving are due to minor injuries .
Prevent pimples on face

Some triggers for acne , such as the wrong diet, unhealthy lifestyle , lack of hygiene or failure to shave , anyone can park themselves and change . Hormonal changes , made ​​by the body , can not and should not be affected . If, however, take the pimples on the face on hand , it makes sense to consult a dermatologist to get help professionally .

The dermatologist will find out the exact cause , and if it is necessary to intervene with hormone preparations . Itself can be supported by a consistent , deep pore cleansing facial , a pimple prevention . This includes not only cleaning with soap and water, but it is recommended an antibacterial cleanser .

Should also at least once a week facial scrub can be applied to remove dead skin cells. The scrub can be a finished product in the cosmetics industry , or a home remedy itself is agitated . Who is prone to pimples , should also be careful to never put yourself in the face with unwashed hands . Also in this manner can be put into the skin bacteria unconsciously. Face masks for oily skin or a dry one to dry , irritated skin moisturizing and also help to prevent pimples on your face. Even in the face masks either finished products from the pharmacy or the pharmacy can be used, or is itself mixte home remedies.
Home remedies for pimples on the face

Pimples on the back, buttocks or genital area can be hidden under clothing , so they do not catch the eye in any situation. For the face, there is no such possibility , however . To get rid of those pesky pimples on the face, it is not advisable to just start compressing . First, every pimple can not be expressed , and secondly namely , the expressions to be learned. What applies to the prevention of pimples, should first find also in the treatment of existing pimples application . That is, the facial skin must be thoroughly cleaned . Before each treatment, the pimple is to wash the affected skin with soap and water is not only a duty, but it should be an antibacterial cleanser can be used. Only when the skin is clean and patted dry using cosmetic wipes , can be started with the application of a scrub , a face mask or a cream.

Home remedies may also be applied after cleaning and then drying the skin. The cosmetic industry offers a variety of creams that dry out the pimple and maintain the damaged skin . But just as many home remedies can be discovered in alternative medicine or experience in the reports of affected individuals . What is the best way for each individual to make the pimples on the face an end , he must try it for yourself . The home remedies tea tree oil range from about healing earth , zinc ointment , honey and chamomile and even aloe vera, jojoba oil, baby powder , brewer's yeast or a red light treatment .

Some people swear by the treatment with own urine or the application of lemon, garlic , apple cider vinegar or black tea. Even toothpaste is applied from the very desperate to pustules . Since not everyone has the same skin texture, does not help the same agent every time .
Read more here !
Pimples on buttocks
express pimples
Pimples under the skin
Pimples on back
Pimples on neck

But what is important to remember , is that of a self-treatment is not recommended then , if it is not a few pimples on the face, but if there is a chronic acne . In this case, make sure the doctor must be consulted. Even if the pimples are deep under the skin and not only cause a feeling of tension , but are painful , the doctor visit is necessary. In this case, it may be abscesses that must be handled by the physician. This is necessary not only for a rapid recovery of the skin and helps prevent scarring before .


Pimples Causes, What causes pimples

Pimples Causes: What causes pimples ?

Pimples form when skin pores are clogged by dirt, sweat and too much sebum and ignite. Especially teens and young adults who suffer during and after puberty from pimples and acne.

The birthplace of the ice ax is the pore in the skin. If accumulate dead skin cells and dirt in the pores , sebum is blocked in the pore ( ie this can not escape from the pore) , and it forms a blackhead . The more sebum is produced , the more clogged the pores and the more susceptible they are for bacteria, which are located on the skin. This may subsequently lead to inflammation of blackheads that are red, swollen and pus form ( = most common causes pimples !) .

Read also : What have to do with pimples blackheads

As if that teenage life would be not difficult enough , also often play at this time , the hormones go crazy. This increase of the hormones in the body is then responsible for increased production of sebum , which leads to inflammation in the skin and thus to acne. Other causes acne or pimples can be:
Causes of pimples and acne

    Pregnancy: Pregnancy triggers many women from powerful hormonal changes in the body that can lead to blemished facial skin and therefore more pimples.
    Cosmetics : If too much make -up is applied , can clog pores , which can lead to a veritable " acne outbreak ." In the selection of cosmetic products should be taken to ensure that these are hypoallergenic and especially oil.
    Inheritance: When a parent previously had acne , it is very likely that the child will also problems with pimples .
    Hygiene : The skin should be thoroughly washed regularly so that no impurities , perspiration or bacteria stick to it - this is one of the most common causes of pimples.
    Poor diet : Excessive consumption of sweets , pizza, and fatty or fried foods can aggravate the spread of pimples.
    Pressure: The wearing of helmets, tight clothing and heavy backpacks can affect the formation of pimples and acne because the skin at these points can not breathe enough .

Pimple treatment face

In the treatment of pimples on the face , it can be quite helpful to treat the skin some sun - but this must not be too long , because the UV light from the sun can cause skin damage .

Also read : Tips for preventing pimples

The following tips are useful for treating pimples on the face :

    The face gently with a mild, non- soap drying out the skin (eg Sebamed Cleansing Foam ), wash it and wash all dirt or make-up. Wash morning and evening , and especially after exercise . Nevertheless, it should be avoided , too often and too intense to wash the skin as the pores may otherwise be harmed them .
    Wash your hair daily , especially if they are greasy. The hair should not hang in the face, so the facial skin can breathe.
    In general, do not touch your face with ( unwashed ) hands.
    Not squeeze or scrape , even if you should be tempted pimples - because this can lead to scarring and cause inflammation that aggravate pimples and acne.

Pimples Treatment - More options

If the above advice on how to combat pimples and acne does not eliminate in satisfactory extent the blemishes, it is useful to try anti acne agents.
This is often at acne creams and lotions (included as benzoyl peroxide, sulfur or salicylic acid ), which are applied directly to the skin, kill bacteria , and the fatty layer can dry out the skin.

Pimples persist after treatment with the funds raised pimples still unchanged , along with the dermatologist to prescribe stronger medications such as antibiotics (eg, minocycline, and tetracycline Dxycyclin ) or antibiotic creams (such as clindamycin or erythromycin) could be discussed.

In particularly severe cases of pimples and acne with subsequent scarring , the doctor may propose before a chemical skin treatment for dry skin and peeling , removal of scars due to skin abrasion ( dermabrasion ) or removal of skin cysts.
